? UTCP International Colloquia in the Past

UTCP International Colloquia in the Past

[2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002]


Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere

Displaying Japan at the British Museum

Jan. 29, 16:00-
Building 101, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Anne-Marie Christin (Universite´ Paris VII)
"Du peintre-e´crivain a` l'assembleur d'image: Euge`ne Fromentin et Philippe Clerc "

Nov. 27, 16:30-18:30
Collaboration Room No.3, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

The talk will be given in French.
Sponsored by the Center for Philosophy, the University of Tokyo and the Forum for Comparative Art Studies.

CHOE, HYON DOK (Korea-Kommunikations- und Forschungszentrum)
Globalization, "war against terror", intercultural philosophy

KIM, SANG BONG (Chonnam National Univesity)
From Self-losing in Others to the Pregnancy of Mind
A Starting Point of Intercultural Philosophy
from a Korean Perspective

Dec. 18, 16:30-
Collaboration Room No.1, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Kyeong-Hee Choi (The University of Chicago)
"Evolution of Erasure: Japanese Censorship in Korea and Traces of Deletion"

Nov. 24, 15:00-
Building 101, Seminar Room, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

The talk will be given in English.

Mariko Muramatsu (University of Tokyo) "Angel and Lady -Dante and his Surroundings -"
Kim San Choon (Sogang University) "Patristic Understanding of Angel"

Oct 18, 17:00-19:00
Collaboration Room No.3, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo


Fumihiko Sueki (University of Tokyo) "Heaven in Buddhism"
Kim San Choon (Sogang University) "Christian Understanding of Angel"
Moderator: Hisao Miyamoto

Oct 20, 16:30-19:00
Collaboration Room No.1, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Bruno Cle`ment (Universite Paris VIII,Colle`ge International de Philosophie)
"Qu'est-ce qu'une figure?: e´loge de la prosopope´e"

Oct 4, 18:00-20:00
Collaboration Room No.1, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

The talk is given in French.

Sponsored by the Center for Philosophy, the University of Tokyo and Colle`ge International de Philosophie

For inquiries: 03 5454 4939/03 5454 4938 nulptyx@boz.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp http://www.nulptyx.com

Mikhail Iampolski (New York University)
Philologization: A Project for a Radical Philology

July 4, 15:00−17:00
Collaboration Room No.1, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Talks are given in English. No interpretation.

DALS-UTCP International Colloquia

Bernard Faure (Columbia University)
The Jewel and the Sword: Symbols of Life and Death in Medieval Japan

June 12 (Mon) 17:00-19:00

Talks are given in English.

215, Faculty of Law & Letters Bldg.1, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Sponsored by COE programs "Construction of Death and Life Studies Concerning Culture and Value of Life (DALS)" and UTCP

Dr. Hayo Krombach (London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London)
"The Theology and Phenomenology of Interfaith Dialogue Between Christianity and Buddhism"

Talks are given in English.

April 17, 2006, 18:00-19:30
Collaboration Room No.4, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Brief Introduction:
I would begin with clarifying my project as a whole and why I am interested in dialectic and phenomenology. I would then begin to focus on the theme by explicating, first, Karl Jaspers' thesis of the 'axial age' and interpreting it in the light of my at present still general reflections on East-West spiritual and philosophical relations. This would be followed, secondly, by a theological and phenomenological account of Christian attitudes towards non-Christian religions and some Japanese Buddhist responses to them. Thirdly, I would speak specifically about some phenomenological aspects of religion and Husser's reaction to it.

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Robert Tragesser
"Historical & Phenomenological Reflections on How Leibniz Facilitated the Transition From the Artful Use of Logically Incoherent Fictions, to The Construction of Valid Proofs Based on Intuitively Sound Reasoning, to Logically Rigorous & Certain Reasoning, in Infinitesimal Analysis."

Jan. 20, 2006. 17:30--19:30
Bldg.14 Room 706, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Istvan Hont (University Lecturer, the University of Cambridge)
"The 'Wealth of Nations' as an argument:
Adam Smith and the Peculiarities of European Development"

Dec. 14, 16:30-
the 4th floor of the Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Istvan Hont is University Lecturer in the History of Political Thought at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. A prominent member of the influential 'Cambridge School' of the history of ideas, he is one of the most able and respected historians of early modern political thought and political economy writing today. His most recent publication, Jealousy of Trade: International Competition and the Nation-State in Historical Perspective (Belknap Harvard, 2005) has been well received. Lukács is one of his compatriots.

J.C.A. Pocock(Emeritus Prof., The Johns Hopkins University)
"Rethinking British history"

Dec. 9, 16:20-
Collaboration Room No.4, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Born in London and brought up in Christchurch, New Zealand, J.G.A. Pocock, Harry C. Black Emeritus Professor of History at The Johns Hopkins University, was educated at the Universities of Canterbury and Cambridge, and was many years (1974-1994) Professor of History at The Johns Hopkins University. His many seminal works on intellectual history include The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law (1957; 1987), Politics, Language and Time (1971), the epoch-making Machiavellian Moment (1975), Virtue, Commerce and History (1985) and Barbarism and Religion vols. 1-3 (1999-2003).

Prof. Akira Mizuta Lippit (University of Southern California)
"Avisuality -- Visuality and Destructivity"

Nov. 22, 2005, 16:20-18:20
Collaboration Room No.1, Building 18, Komaba Campus I, The University of Tokyo

Mathieu Marion (Université du Québec à Montréal)
"Music, Architecture and Mathematics in early Wittgenstein"

Oct. 4, 2005 17:30-19:30
Bldg. 101, Seminar Room,
Komaba I Campus, The Univerisity of Tokyo

Rafael Núñez (University of California at San Diego)
"Cognitive Science of Embodied Experience"

July 15, 2005 16:00-
Building No. 14, #708,
Komaba I Campus, The Univerisity of Tokyo

Mark Wrathall (Brigham Young University)
"Art as Phenomenology: Paul Klee and the Role of the Body in Motivating Perception"

06/02/2005, 16:30-, Bldg.14 Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Special Talk Session:

Shusaku Arakawa (Architect) vs. Yasuo Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
"The (Re)birth of a Body: From the Scene of <Architecture>"

05/31/2005, 17:00-19:00, Bldg.18 Room 1, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Nam-In Lee (Seoul National University)
"Transcendental Genesis and Ontological Genesis - E. Husserl's Genetic Phenomenology and M. Heidegger's Hermeneutic Phenomenology -"

2005/04/20, 16:30-18:30, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Tu Weiming (Harvard University)
"Confucian Reflection on the Enlightenment Mentality"

2005/4/4, 14:00-, Mathematical sciences bldg. 2F conference room, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

This talk is sponsored jointly by UTCP and the Program for Construction of Death and Life Studies.

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K. Ludwig Pfeiffer (Universität Siegen, Deutschland)
"Opera and Representation"

2005/3/23, 16:00-, Mathematical sciences bldg. seminar room, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Click here for the further detail.

Hong Yun-Gi (Dongguk University)
"Habermassian Theory and Universal Ethics in East Asia"

2005/3/18, 10:00-17:00, Bldg.14 Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

The talk is followed by a discussion session that starts at 14:00. The topic for the discussion is "How Habermass should be read in the East-Asian context?"

The talk is given in English. English, Japanese, and German may be used during the discussion.

Professor Hong is a prominent Habermassian philosopher of South Korea, who has also made positive comments on the historical issues for Japan and South Korea. This colloquium is going to focus on how we can construct dialogue-based ethics in the historical and political context in East Asia.

Antonia Soulez (Université de Paris)
"Comparing language to music: philosphical aspects of Abbildung in the light of music"

2005/1/13, 16:30-, Bldg.101 Room 24, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

""Le rouge et le vert au même endroit": un cas dialogique de plusieurs voix entre empiriste (Mill), phénoménologue (Husserl) et grammairien (Schlick, Wittgenstein), à props de l'incompatibilité des couleurs"

2005/1/19, 18:00-, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Lucille Reyboz (Photographer)
"When an African village builds a house for a white woman"

2005/1/18, 16:30-, Administration Office 3F hall, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Moderator and Interlocutor: Yasuo Kobayashi (UTCP)

"Science and Philosophy — From the Perspective of Philosophical Exchange between the East and the West"

2004/12/22, 13:00-18:00, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Robert Proctor (Stanford University)
"Acheulean Enigma: How Lower Paleolithic "Handaxes" Became Puzzling in PalaeolithicArchaeology"

2004/12/17, 13:30-15:30, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

"The Cigarette in Global Lung History: How Matches, Mechanization and Mass Marketing led to Mass Death and Deception"

2004/12/20, 16:00-18:00, Bldg.16 Room 827, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

UTCP Colloquium
Fumihiko Sueki (University of Tokyo)
"The Other and the Dead in Zen — How to Speak of "the Ineffable""

2004/12/16, 2:30-, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Reference (PDF file)

Donald Gillies (University College of London)
"Does Kuhn apply to Medicine? — The Semmelweis Case —"

2004/12/9, 15:00-, Bldg.14 Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Gilles Fauconnier (UCSD, Dept. of Cognitive Science)
"Metaphor, Counterfactuals, and Integration Networks: Compression and Emergent Structure"

2004/12/6, 12/7, 1;00-4:00, Bldg.10 Room 301, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Language: English(talk), English and French(disccusion). No translation.

Akeel Bilgrami (Columbia University)
"Meaning, Reference, and Intentionality"

2004/11/25, 17:00-, Bldg.14 Room 706, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Carol Rovane (Columbia University)
"Personal Identity and Group Identity"

2004/11/26, 14:00-, Bldg.3 Room 121, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Akeel Bilgrami
"Islam and the West: The Relevance of Conflict for Democracy"

2004/11/26, 17:00-, Bldg.3 Room 121, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Click here for further detail.

François Jullien (Université Paris VII)
"Une déconstruction du dehors, ou comment concevoir le dialogue entre les cultures?"

2004/11/22, 18:00-, Bldg.10 3F Conference Room, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Co-sponsored by UTCP and Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo

UTCP Colloquium On Feenberg's Questioning Technology

Andrew Feenberg (Simon Frazer University)
Kiyotaka Naoe (Yamagata University)
Kouji Ishihara (Hokkaido University)
Tetsuya Kouno (Tamagawa University)

2004/10/28, 16:30-19:30, Bldg. 14, Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Béatrice Didier (Ecole Normale Supérieure)
"Le mythe littéraire et l'opéra en Europe des Lumières au romantisme"

2004/10/25, 18:10-20:00, Bldg.10 Room L301, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Language: French (no translation)
Sponsored by UTCP and Section des études françaises

Michel Onfray (Université populaire de Caen)
"L'université populaire de philosophie: une altanative universitaire"

2004/10/8, 18:00-, Bldg.8, 419, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Orio Cifferri (The University of Pavia)
"Venere e Minerva"

2004/10/7, 16:30-, Administration Office 3F hall, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Mathieu Marion (Université du Québec à Montréal)
"Operations and Thoughts in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"

2004/9/15, 16:30--18:30, Bldg. 14, Room 706, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

"Logic and Arithmetic in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and the role of operations"

2004/9/16, 16:30--18:30, Bldg. 14, Room 706, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Click here for the detail

Yi Tae-jin (Seoul National University)
"Age of Globalization: Beyond Historical Disputes"

2004/7/15, 16:30-, Administration Office 3F Hall
Sponsored by UTCP

Jean-Claude Lebensztejn (Université de Paris)
"Parergon et manières"

2004/7/8, 16:30-18:30, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Petra von Gemünden (Universität Augsburg)
"Die emotionale Frau und der vernünftige Mann? Die Affekte und der Logos in ihrer Zuordnung zu den Geschlechtern in der Antike Ein Kapitel historischer Psycho-logie"

2004/7/6, 16:00-17:30, Bldg. 14, Room 706, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Hubert L. Dreyfus (University of California at Berkeley)
Charles Taylor (McGill University/Northwestern University)
"Overcoming Representationalism: Retrieving Realism"

2004/7/1, 16:30-18:30, Seminar Room, Faculty House, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Claire Fauvergue
"Réalité et ordre chez Leibniz et Diderot"

2004/6/4, 18:00-, Bldg. 101 Room 24, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Language: Japanese

Manuela de Barros (Université paris VIII)
"Picturing the Body from Anatomy to Biotech Art"

2004/4/21, Bldg.8 Room 419, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Bernhard Waldenfels (Universität Bochum)
"Bodily Experience between Selfhood and Otherness"

2004/04/5(mon)16:00-, Bldg. 14, 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

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Joël Thoraval(EHESS)
"Modernité at historicité chez les philosophes du XXe siècle"


Zheng Jiadong (Chinese Academy of Social Science)
"'Legality' problem for 'Chinese philosophy'"

2004/2/5, 15:00-, Bldg. 14, Room208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
Language: Chinese

Shizue Fujii (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
"New Understanding of History in East Asia"


"Ultra-'Fudo' theory Tetsurou Watsuji's Thought and Viewpoint of East Asia"


Takashi Onuki (University of Tokyo), Yasuo Kobayashi (UTCP)
"Discussing Jesus Between Faith and Scholarship"

2003/12/22, 16:30-, Administration Office 3F hall, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Hilary Putnam (Professor Emeritus, Harvard University)
"For Ethics and Economics without the Dichotomies"


Ruth Anna Putnam (Professor Emerita, Wellesley Collage)
"Moral Objectivity"


Alain Juranville (Université de Rennes I)
"La structure et vérité"

Commentators: Yasuo Kobayashi (Universite de Tokyo), Tetsuya Takahashi (Universite de Tokyo), Kazuyuki HARA (Universite de l'Electro-Communication)
2003/11/27, 17:30-, Bldg. 2, Room 308, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo
UTCP/SLJ Symposium

Lee Tae-Soo(Seoul Univ.)
"Historicity of Philosophy"

2003/11/6(thu)16:30-, Bldg. 14, Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Yoichi Kaniike (UTCP)
"Carnap no Tetsugaku Saikou (Rethinking Carnap's Philosophy)"

2003/07/18, 13:00-15:00, Bldg. 14, Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Hidé Ishiguro (UTCP)
"Kako matawa Ibunka no Tetsugaku wo Shikousuru towa Douiukoto ka? (What is it to think past philosophy or philosophy of other culture?)"

2003/07/4, 16:30-18:00, Bldg. 14, Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Corinne Enaudeau(Collège international de Philosophie)
"Le cercle et la ligne : deux figures de la vie de l'esprit"

2003/06/25(wed)18:00-, Bldg. 8, Room 419, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Yumiko Iida (UTCP)
"'Overcoming the Modern West' and the Politics of Aesthetics in Prewar Japan"

2003/06/20, 16:30-18:00, Bldg. 14, Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Naoko Saito (UTCP)
"Dewey between Hegel and Darwin"

2003/06/11, 14:40-16:30, Bldg. 14, Room 208, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Guo Jiyong
"Feng Youlan' Philosophy and its methodology"

2003/06/3(tue)17:00-, Bldg. 12, Room 1223, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Richard Shusterman (Temple University)
"Wittegenstein's Somaesthetics: Bodily Feelings in Philosophy of Mind, Art, and Politics"

2003/05/13(tue)16:30-18:30, Bldg. 14, Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

"Pragmatism and East-Asian Thought"

2003/05/14(wed)16:30-18:30, Bldg. 14, Room 708, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

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Kevin Doak (Georgetown University), Ellis Toshiko (University of Tokyo), Yasunari Takada (UTCP)
"Overcoming Modernity"


Séminaire organisé par Collège International de Philosophie et le Centre International de Philosophie (UTCP) de l'Université de Tokyo
Comment poser la question de la philosophie en Extrême-Orient ? : Penser les conditions historiques de l'universel

Théme : La modernité artisitque a-t-elle une frontière?

La conférence par François Noudelmann, président du Collège International de Philosophie : "La modernité esthetique est-elle soluble dans la mondialisation?" suivie d'une discussion avec Kobayashi Yasuo et Hidetaka Ishida

mercredi 12 mars 2003 à la Maison Franco-Japonaise

Massimiano Bucchi (Trent University)
"Science in the kitchen: models of presentation of science in Italian television"


Yoko Arisaka (San Fransisco University)
"Clarifying ontological Commitments: The First- and Third-Person Approaches to Consciousness"


Lee Nam-In (Seoul University)
"Phenomenology of Sensible Life in Husserl and Levinas"


Anthony Steinbock (Southern Illinois University)
"From Phenomenological Immortality to Phenomenological Natality"


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